Transition to Reception


A strong emphasis on exploration, investigation, discovery and problem-solving.

Enrollment and Allocation

Children currently enrolled in The Hive Pre-School are automatically allocated a place in our Reception classes in the September following their 4th birthday, without requiring an additional admissions application. 

We ensure a seamless and smooth transition process for existing families from the pre-school to Infant School environment. Reception teachers take time to visit The Hive Pre-School and, in turn, the children visit our Reception teaching and play spaces throughout the academic year. This enables both parties to acquaint themselves with each other and the children to become familiar with the bright and spacious classrooms they will encounter in the Infant School. 

Parents will be invited to an information event in the Summer Term where class teachers and support staff will explain and discuss the important information surrounding starting School, including Clifton High School's EYFS Curriculum, our wrap-around care provision and the co-curricular programme. Hive Pre-School parents are also able to arrange a personal visit to the Reception classrooms in the Autumn Term.      

We appreciate the transition to Infant School can be both exciting and daunting for parents and their children, however we are confident of our experience in nurtuting families throughout this process so new routines and expecations are realised with care.


Please contact our friendly Admissions Team for further information about the transition into Infant School.

Phone: 0117 933 9087