Support Us


Funding the Future

We are immensely grateful for all donations and pledges which will help us Fund the Future.

All donors of our appeal will receive regular communications, demonstrating the impact of your gift, be invited to special anniversary forthcoming events and be listed as an Appeal Donor (unless donors wish to remain anonymous).

The Percival Gift Scheme

When Clifton High School opened its doors in 1877, the first pupil on the register was Elizabeth (Bessie) Percival. The School instilled in Bessie a passion for art whereby she became an accomplished artist in oils and water colours, exhibiting many of her works at the Royal Academy. Bessie describes her time at School as a "dream of delight".

Bessie's legacy continues in our Percival Gift Scheme, our regular giving scheme. 

Become a regular donor

The Percival Gift Scheme is collective giving that assures our community, parents, friends and the Clifton Rosarians of the benefit their donations made and continue to be made to the School and its pupils. Donors may give monthly, quarterly or annually and through the Government's Gift Aid scheme, donations can be worth so much more, at no extra cost to you and your family.


Making a single gift

Any gift, whatever the size, will make an incredible difference to our pupils and School. 

Make A Single Gift


1877 Club

Legacies, no matter the size, are hugely valuable to the School, and for those who have the foresight to remember us in their will, we have immense gratitude.

In these circumstances, we recognise that any gift is deeply personal and that families may wish to specify how their legacy will be used. If you, or your family, are considering leaving a gift to the School in your will, regardless of whether you consider it to be large or small, we are happy to discuss your intentions.

To recognise and thank you for your generosity, all those who notify us of their intention to leave the School a gift in their will will automatically become a member of the 1877 Club, named after our School's founding year.

As a member of the 1877 Club, donors will receive invitations to special occasions including an annual 1877 Club event as well as specific communications and updates on the enormous impact legacy-giving has on our School. Further information on leaving a gift in your will can be found in our legacy leaflet.


If you have any questions about leaving a legacy please contact Mrs Elizabeth Bond, Director of Development, telephone the Foundation Team on 0117 933 9081 or complete your details below.

Legacy Pledge Form

Become a Foundation volunteer

Our alumni community, the Clifton Rosarians and parents of current and former pupils support the School by donating their time through careers advice and mentoring. We encourage and welcome Clifton Rosarians and parents to talk to our pupils about life after School; University courses, apprenticeships and careers.

We offer a variety of opportunities to support our current pupils:

  • Sixth Form Breakfasts - termly breakfast seminars held from 9.00 to 10.30am in the School Hall for our Sixth Form students. Three speakers talk about life outside our School gates with a Q&A session between our guests and approximately 100-120 Year 12 and Year 13 students.
  • Excelsior Forms - weekly events are held for our most able Senior School learners from Years 7-13. They typically take the form of lectures or workshops where pupils learn about topics beyond the academic curriculum. The aim is for pupils to be stretched and challenged in subjects that may benefit their future. 

    We typically endeavour to host an Excelsior Forum per subject, per year, offering a wide range of content and forums that fall outside of typical School academic disciplines. Each week we will see 80+ pupils attend each Forum which are held in our Rose Theatre or Main Hall.

  • Careers mentoring or internships - in an ever-increasing competitive marketplace, we welcome support from Clifton Rosarians and parents to help our pupils gain valuable experience in the workplace.

Should you have any questions about becoming a Foundation volunteer and can offer help or support for the next generation of students please contact Mrs Kate McKee or telephone the Foundation team on 0117 933 9081.

Please note that we take the safeguarding of our pupils seriously. As such, we follow national safeguarding guidelines which requires additional checks for all volunteers.