Clifton High Scholars

Scholarships are available to pupils who demonstrate high ability, interest beyond the curriculum and a willingness to make a significant contribution to the life of the School. Scholarships are held through to Year 13, but a Scholar’s performance and contribution to the School is reviewed annually.


In Year 6, children who have performed exceptionally well in Entrance Examinations for English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning papers, will be called for an interview with the Head of School. During this interview, candidates will be expected to discuss a subject of special interest to them.

Provision for Academic Scholars

Scholars are encouraged to take a lead in the School community and are expected to participate in the Excelsior Forum. This forum provides an annual program of guest speakers and workshops designed to stretch and challenge pupils beyond the classroom curriculum.

Scholars in Years 7-9 will have academic tutorials throughout the year, in which they will be challenged to enhance their current academic performance and think critically and analytically through a range of thought-provoking tasks. As part of this process, pupils will be encouraged to take part in academic competitions, short on-line courses and co-curricular reading.

Our Academic Scholars will have the opportunity to join any number of enriching activities run by different departments through the year from the HPQ (Higher Project Qualification) in Years 9-10, Language and Science Olympiads and UKMT Junior, Intermediate and Senior Mathematics Challenge, to name just a few of the opportunities available for our Scholars and more able pupils.

The below shows a typical half term’s offering in our Excelsior Forum programme:

excelsior Forum
Week 1 Sixth Form Lecture Series - our Sixth Form Academic Scholars produce a range of 'mini lectures' on topics of their choice
Week 2 Languages - An Introduction to Italian

Week 3

Biology - Jessica Foley (Bristol University PhD) - The evolution of long life: a case study in butterflies
Week 4 Mathematics - GCHQ - How Mathematics is used in cybersecurity to protect the UK from cyber-attacks, terrorism and espionage
Week 5 Latin - Dr. Shelley Hales (University of Bristol) ‘Eating in Pompeii and Herculaneum’.
Week 6 Careers - Admissions officer from Merton College, Oxford: Applying to competitive universities
Week 7 Physical Education - Nick Butter – the man who ran a marathon in every country in the world


Music scholarships are awarded for excellent musical skill and aptitude. Depending on the instruments offered, children applying for Year 7 entry should be performing at Grade 3 (associated board) or above.

All elements of the audition are conducted by the Head of Senior School Music. One piece on each instrument/voice offered for scholarship should be prepared and sight reading and aural tests appropriate to the relevant grade will also take place. This will be followed by an interview to discuss the child's particular interests in music. Candidates should also provide references from relevant music and instrumental teachers.


Our Scholars excel in Football, Cricket, Hockey, Rugby, Tennis, Swimming, and Cross Country, supported by the exceptional staff and facilities at our disposal, both on-site and at the Coombe Dingle Sports Complex.

During the registration process through our online Admissions Portal, parents can apply for our Sport scholarships or submit a bursary application.

We are on the lookout for scholars who not only show promise in our key sports but also possess the versatility to contribute significantly to various sports disciplines throughout the academic year. Selected pupils will be invited to a rigorous Sports Scholarship Selection Day.

Provision for Sports Scholars

Year 7-9 pupils will be mentored by a carefully selected older pupil in the school, who will act as a role model. Every Sports Scholar will be mentored by a member of the Sports Department, who will champion their successes and monitor their individual progress. Each Sports Scholar will also attend weekly Strength and Conditioning sessions, ‘Sports Podium’ talks from a range of professional and motivational speakers, as well as taking part in specialised Sports Scholars trips throughout the year.


There are pupils who may feel that their particular talents or abilities lie in the area of creative or performing arts, or are more individual and do not necessarily fall under a traditional academic field. The School values such talents and offers these pupils the opportunity to apply for a Year 7 Realising Individual Brilliance Scholarship. References from coaches/teachers or evidence of these abilities should be provided upon application for the scholarship.