Rent Our Facilities


Clifton High School is set within a desired location in the heart of Clifton Village and can be externally hired.

Like the surrounding area the Clifton High School boasts handsome Victorian buildings with rich history, alongside modern structures with complimentary architecture and is filled with a wide array of impressive facilities ready for use.
Mrs Louise Brennan, Estates and Operations Director

There are opportunities to hire these facilities when they are not in use. External events and hires that have taken place at the School that we can accommodate include, private sports clubs (training and matches), corporate training, community meetings, exhibitions and filming for TV/Film.  

If you would like to enquire about an external hire, please complete the following form and a member of our team will be in touch soon to see if we can accommodate your request. 


  • Modern spacious classrooms catering for a range of stages; EYFS to Sixth Form
  • Music Rooms, including Music Technology Suite 
  • Libraries
  • Rose Theatre and Main Hall for performances and creative arts
  • Presentation space with adjoining Cafe (Sixth Form Centre) 
  • Science Laboratories
  • STEM Room
  • Food Technology Room
  • Art and Design Rooms
  • MAC Design Suite
  • Design Technology Rooms
  • Dining Hall 
  • Main Lawn
  • Multiple playgrounds and climbing frames 
  • MUGA (multi-use games area); tennis courts, netball courts
  • Medical Centre; Treatment Rooms, Counseling Room, Wellbeing Suite
  • Sports Complex including Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Climbing Wall, Cardio Suite, Strength and Conditioning Suite

