Examination Information



At Clifton High School we are committed to providing an enriching educational experience that prepares our Senior School GCSE pupils and Sixth Form A level students for lifelong success.

This webpage outlines the rules and regulations governing examinations in the United Kingdom, as well as the diverse offerings available to all our pupils, including University Admission Tests and Clifton High School policies.

As a school, we believe that clear guidelines and a supportive environment are crucial for achievement. Our examination processes and policies are designed to ensure that personal growth is based upon equitability, and we encourage parents and pupils to familiarise themselves with these regulations to understand the comprehensive undertaking. 

Meeting the diverse needs of our pupils and helping them excel both inside and outside the classroom is integral to both our teaching and their learning. Through tutor mentorship and access to our in-house counselling team, pupils are nurtured and exposed to enrichment opportunities that further support their wellbeing in the lead up to, during and after the examination period.
Mr Will Phelan - Head
Examination Provision
  • GCSE Short Course - taken at the end of Year 10, this examination constitutes half a GCSE. We currently deliver Religious Studies as a short course. 
  • GCSE/iGCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education/International General Certificate of Secondary Education) - taken at the end of Year 11, this examination is a culmination of two years of study.
  • AS level/A level (Advanced Subsiduary Level and Advanced Level) also known as GCE (General Certificate of Education) - taken at the end of Year 13, this examination is a culmination of two years of study. 
  • EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) - taken at the end of Year 13, this examination constitutes slightly more than an AS level. 

University Admissions Tests are no longer administered or delivered in schools, yet it is important to read the specific university course information to clarify if there is an access test which is routinely taken between August and November of Year 13.

Official Examination Boards

Essential resources and further information links:

Candidate Information

The following links give candidates and their parents information on the rules and regulations on what to expect throughout the examination process. 

The essential list below are mandatory and require reading:

The list below are useful advisory information:

Clifton High School Examination Policies

Our Clifton High School policies are informative guides that outline our School protocols and expectations, The below linked examination policies ensure the smooth running and successful assessment experience for all: