Pastoral Care


Curiosity, Empathy, Love and Direction.

The outstanding pastoral care that Clifton High School is renowned is one that underpins the education our Junior School children receive from highly qualified teachers and teaching assistants.  
Mr Chris Collins - Deputy Head, Pastoral / Safeguarding Lead

Our values of Curiosity, Empathy, Love and Direction are constantly reinforced and remain central to an education in our Junior School with an understanding that pastoral care is at the forefront of a child’s wellbeing and development. Our commitment, as educators, to our pupils is that they feel safe, secure and supported as valued members of our School community. Building and retaining confidence is key to our pupils believing that they are capable of achieving and there is no ceiling on their learning growth.  

Our highly qualified teachers are a team who take time to understand each individual child in their care. If, at any stage, a child requires emotional or personal support, we have a fantastic professional team of on-site medical experts and counsellors.

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'Individual brilliance’ is, at this stage in a child's academic education especially recognised as we closely monitor, identify and celebrate their achievements and talents. If at any stage, we feel progress is not on target, our experienced Enhanced Learning Department intervene to add an additional layer of support creating a bespoke learning programme to cater for the needs of these children. In essence, they are never lost in the process.

An active Class Ambassador and School Council entity in Year 2 to Year 6 ensures all pupils’ voices are heard.  It is driven by a pro-active and successful buddy system which benefits all pupils from Hive through to Year 6 as they meet each term to discuss and support each other, ask questions and build upon friendships.

Community is integral to the Clifton High School ethos with a commitment to regular interaction with parents, through written reports, regular meetings and an open-door policy. We ensure that any issues to a child’s wellbeing or academic progress is quickly realised, believing that working collaboratively is central to the success and care of our children. With this in mind, we encourage parents to make an appointment should they have any concerns and equally, our teachers will raise concerns they may have.