Junior to Senior Transition


We ensure a smooth transition for families within our community.

Year 6 pupils in our Junior School are automatically allocated a place in Year 7 at Clifton High School without going through an additional admissions application. This seamless process ensures a smooth transition for families within our community.
All pupils who have confirmed their places in Year 7 will also be invited to a Transition Day we call The Six Mix, where pupils will meet one another, play some team building games and spend some time with their new Head of Year".
Miss Rebekah Malvern - Admissions Manager

As part of the transition process, families will have the opportunity to individually meet our Head, Mr Will Phelan, in the Autumn Term to discuss their child’s individual interests and experiences ahead of moving into the Senior School. Children in Year 6 will also have the opportunity to have a Year 7 Experience Day in the Autumn Term, where they can have a taster of some senior lessons and learn more about what to expect in the Senior School.

Current Year 6 pupils sit transition assessments in their classes during the School day in January, the day is very relaxed with a break for hot chocolates half way through. These papers are the same papers which are sat by prospective pupils, however current pupils are only required to sit papers in English and Mathematics and do not have to sit the reasoning sections.

The results from these assessments will not have any implication on their place in Year 7, they simply allow us to place pupils in appropriate sets in Year 7 and allow us to shortlist for Academic Scholarships. Current Year 6 pupils will also have the opportunity to apply for Sports, Music and Individual Brilliance Scholarships, and will go through a similar process to prospective pupils for their assessments. 

Parents of pupils in Year 6 are asked to confirm their place in Year 7 in January after they have taken their transition assessments. Results of scholarship assessments will be shared at this time.