We are deeply grateful to every donor who helps us 'Fund the Future'

150th Appeal

Recognising your support

All Appeal donors will receive regular communications, demonstrating the impact of your gift, be invited to special anniversary forthcoming events and be listed as an Appeal Donor (unless donors wish to remain anonymous).

Donors can help us Fund the Future by donating to:

  • The overall 150th Anniversary Appeal 
  • Help us increase our bursary support 
  • Help us invest in our science facilities
  • Help us leave a greener school for future generations
Founders £2,000
Donors who pledge or donate more than £2,000 will be replicating the foresight of our founders who established the School and will receive a special 150th anniversary certificate.
Bursary donors £40,000 to £100,000
Donors who fund individual bursary pupils, either for two years in the Sixth Form or five years during the Senior School (Years 7-11) will have the opportunity to have a bursary named in their honour. In supporting the bursary element of our Appeal, donors are transforming the lives of talented young people, making a significant difference to them, their families and our School.
Science donors £50,000 to £150,000

Science donors who pledge or donate over £50,000 towards our science facilities will be offered the opportunity to be acknowledged through a commemorative plaque displayed in the new science development. By supporting the science element of our Appeal, donors will be making significant difference to our pupils and our School.