

Our Nurses are trained to deal with illness and injury to pupils, staff or visitors.

The Clifton High School Medical Centre

Our in-house nurses are highly trained and experienced to deal with illness and injury to pupils, staff or visitors to the School which includes administering and offering training in the use of the on-site Automated External Defibrillator. 

The Clifton High School Nursing Team have a range of NHS nursing backgrounds including Public Health, paediatric specialities and pain management. 

8:30 - 5:00 p.m Monday to Friday
Three beds including an isolation room where pupils can be closely monitored awaiting collection.
Three School Nurses

Our Medical Team help to provide a vast range of services to the whole School community, keeping children safe. so to reach their full potential and make their School experience a happy one. They manage both acute and chronic health conditions and work with families, primary health care providers, the Pastoral Team and School Counsellor Jackie Brangwyn, to ensure the best outcome for each child and that their mental health and wellbeing needs are met as comprehensively as possible.   

The School Nurses also co-ordinate, with Sirona Care and Health, to provide immunisations on-site at School, following the United Kingdom’s national immunisation programme. 

Collectively, these staff members are all passionate about providing the best care to our Clifton High School children and are available to meet pupils throughout the School day or can offer appointments to suit individual needs. They work closely with all class teachers and Heads of Year to provide the very best individual care to each child, endeavouring to be visible and accessible to pupils, seen outside of the medical room to deliver health promotion topics within the classroom.  


For questions about medical care at Clifton High School, please contact us on the number or email below.

Phone: 07770014248



Lindsay Bailey,
School Nurse & Mental Health Lead


Previous Experience: 
Lindsay worked within Southmead and Frenchay Hospital, Charlton Farm Hospice and Lifetime, specialising in Women’s and Children’s Health and Children’s life limiting conditions.


Elin Fuller,
School Nurse


Previous Experience:
Elin was previously a NHS Children’s A&E Nurse and Children's Community Nurse in central London -relocating to Bristol this year with her family. Alongside her role as a School Nurse at Clifton High School, she also works as a Paediatric Sexual Health & Safeguarding Liaison Specialist Nurse at The Bridge UHB.


Laura Lynch,
School Nurse


Previous Experience:
Laura previously worked at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Great Ormond Street and Chelsea & Westminster Hospitals, eventually specialising in children’s haematology, oncology and bone marrow transplant.