Fees and Bursaries


Find out more below.


The priority of Clifton High School's Governors, Senior Leadership Team and Head remains dedicated to providing the best educational experience for all our pupils, despite the Government's announcement of an imposition of VAT on Independent School Fees. We have capped the consequential fee increase for the remainder of the 2024/25 academic year to 14%, rather than the 20% being introduced in January 2025. Fees for The Hive Pre-School will remain at £78 per day, exempt from VAT. Supplementary lunch charges in the Junior and Senior School are also exempt and, therefore, unaffected by VAT. They will remain at £325 per term for Year 7-11 and £310 per term for Year 3-6. Fees for lunches in the Infant School will now be billed separately. 

Fees from January 2025

2024-2025 TUITION FEES

  • Sixth Form & Senior School (Year 7 - 13): £7,050 per term
  • Junior School (Year 3 - 6):  £4,854 per term
  • The Infant School (Year 1 - 2):  £3,966 per term
  • The Infant School (Reception): £3,648 per term [Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) - 15 free hours per week for children under 5 years old accepted]*
  • The Infant School: (The Hive Pre-School): £78 per day [FEEE - 15 free hours per week for children under 5 years old accepted]*

The above published fees are inclusive of the Government's imposition of 20% VAT.

*Please request further information from the Admissions Department: 0117 933 9087  | admissions@cliftonhigh.co.uk

The headline fees include such items as the provision of educational textbooks, exercise books, many items of stationery, normal educational trips that take place during the School day and the majority of co-curricular activities.  

Wrap around care is available for all children from 8.00am to 6.00pm, but The Hub, our after-School activity provision for Reception to Year 6 pupils is subject to capacity.  The Hive Pre-School is open until 6.00pm and Year 7 to Year 13 pupils can remain on-site in our Homework Room until 6.00pm.

For further information on wrap around care, please refer to the section below.

The headline fees do not include supplementary charges, such as lunches (see below), residential trips and non-curricular educational visits. Supplementary charges are made for public examination fees, English as an Additional Language (EAL) support, an element of Enhanced Learning support, FECP, one-to-one tuition and certain co-curricular activities including speech and drama lessons, specialist coaching, tennis and dance. 

Any additional charges will be made clear to parents in advance. 

Free Early Education Entitlement 

The School participates in the Government’s Early Education Entitlement scheme. The universal 15 free hours entitlement is accessible from the term after a child’s third birthday and finishes the term of the child’s fifth birthday.  Eligibility and other terms and conditions apply.  The School does not offer the 15 extended hours. 

Additional Days In The Hive Pre-School

Additional Days - £85.80

Children enrolled in The Hive Pre-School for less than 5 days a week may request additional ad-hoc days, which will be charged at the following rates. Additional days must be requested at least two weeks in advance to avoid disappointment and will be subject to capacity. 

Percival Giving Scheme

All current families are encouraged to support The Clifton High School Foundation by donating annually £18.77 per family to the Percival Gift Scheme. Named after our first pupil on roll, the Scheme is administered by The Clifton High School Foundation, which supports the School by way of grants for bursaries and capital projects. The donation is added to your Spring Term's bill.

For further information please visit The Clifton High School Foundation page found here or contact them directly via email: ebond@cliftonhigh.co.uk

International Pupils

Please request information from the Admissions Department via email: admissions@cliftonhigh.co.uk.

  • Pupil deposit - UK residency: £480
  • Pupil deposit - Non-UK residency: £5,280

An acceptance deposit is payable when an offer of a place in any year group is accepted. Subject to the School Terms and Conditions, the deposit will be refunded, without interest and less any outstanding chargers, after your child leaves the School.

The School Terms and Conditions contains all relevant information. Additional conditions may apply to those accepting a place in The Hive Pre-School.  


The School acknowledges and recognises the significant commitment School fees represent, and wishes to support families with more than one child at the School, as well as to recognise historic ties.

For more information on discounts available for siblings and the children and grandchildren of former pupils, please contact the Admissions Department via email: admissions@cliftonhigh.co.uk.  


The School is committed to supporting families who, solely for financial reasons, are unable for their child to benefit from a Clifton High School education. We provide help with School fees for pupils in Year 7 onwards with an available range of financial assistance options which may extend to 100% of the Senior School fee. 

Additional financial support for families includes funding items such as uniform, trips and the loan of equipment. The School aims to ensure that every pupil has the necessary support to realise their individual brilliance enabling bursary pupils to access additional tutor support, should they require it. We aim to provide pupils with the essential tools they need to reach their highest potential. 

Eligibility for bursary awards is considered on a means-tested basis with assessment considering a range of information including income and the value of capital  assets. The number and size of bursaries awarded on an annual basis are limited by the School funds available as well as being dependant upon variable circumstances, including the volume of applications.  

How to apply 

For those considering joining the School, the window for submitting an application for financial assistance is in the Autumn Term (September to December), prior to the entrance assessments that take place early in the Spring Term (January). 

We invite those families who may require financial assistance to contact the Admissions Team via email: admissions@cliftonhigh.co.uk for advice on the School’s online application process and guidance on the next steps. The School uses a third party organisation to assist with the means-testing. 


The School is committed to increasing the financial support available to families, yet it’s ability to award bursaries is limited by available funds and dependent upon a combination of the School’s own reserves, grants from our independent charity, The Clifton High School Foundation and grants from third party charitable organisations.

For those families interested in discovering how they are able to contribute to our efforts in offering financial assistance, should contact the Development Office via email: development@cliftonhigh.co.uk or go to The Clifton High School Foundation website.


Wrap Around Care from 8.00am until 6.00pm is included in our fees. Please click the button below to access our Wrap Around Care Booklet, which provides more detailed information.


No bookings are necessary for the Infant Late Room and Junior Homework Room. However, Co-Curricular Clubs can be booked on SOCS.

Infant & Junior School (Reception - Year 6 inclusive)
  • Early Birds: 8.00 - 8.30am
  • Infant Late Room: 3.30 - 4.00pm
  • Junior Homework Room: 3.35 - 4.00pm
  • Co-Curricular Clubs: 3.35 - 4.15pm
  • The Hub - Half Session: 3.30 - 4.45pm, Full Session (3.35 - between 5.00 and 6.00pm)
Senior School
  • Early Registration: 8.00 - 8.40am
  • Senior Homework Room: 4.00 - 6.00pm
  • 50 minute lesson - 1:1:  £66
  • IELTS 50 minute lesson - 1:1:  £66
  • French and English Curriculum Programme 
  • English as an Additional Language

Shared lessons are charged at a reduced rate, subject to a de minimis of £18.67 per pupil per 50 minute session. Please note that shared lessons are not guaranteed, and the availability of shared lessons will depend on the individual pupil and their requirements.  

If you believe your child may require additional support or would like to discuss our Enhanced Learning offerings and pricing in more detail, please contact the Admissions Department via email: admissions@cliftonhigh.co.uk.


School lunch is mandatory for all pupils in Reception to Year 11 unless there is a compelling medical reason for a pupil not to take lunch. If your child has special dietary requirements please contact us directly as we can often cater at no extra cost. Charges are billed in the following term.

  • Lunch - Years 7 to 11:  £325 per term
  • Lunch - Years 3 to 6:  £310 per term
  • Lunch - Reception to Year 2:  £295 per term
  • Lunch - The Hive Pre-School:  Included in fees

Sixth Form students have access to the Walters Bistro, located in the Sixth Form Centre, which is operated via a pay as you go system. 


A fees and extras bill is produced at the end of each term and sent to parents. This will contain School fees for the following term and any supplementary charges extras, which are normally charged in arrears. 

The School offers a range of payment methods. 

Direct Debit - Termly or Monthly

Clifton High School prefers parents to pay fees by direct debit. Under the Termly Direct Debit Scheme, fees and supplementary charges are collected on the first day of each term. Under the Monthly Direct Debit Scheme, fees and any supplementary charges are collected in four instalments per term.  

Debit or Credit Card

Payment can be made using a Debit or Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard) via Clifton High School website's Online Secure Payment Portal.

Bank Transfer

There is the option to pay by bank transfer using the bank details below, on or before the first day of term, quoting the Pupil Reference (found on the top right of the fee bill) when making payment. 

Bank:  Handelsbanken
Sort code:  40-51-62
Account number:  18952001
IBAN number:  GB86HAND40516218952001
Reference:  Pupil Reference (on bill)

For any other enquiries, please contact our Finance Office: finance@cliftonhigh.co.uk | 0117 933 9083



Scholarships are available to pupils who demonstrate high ability, interest beyond the curriculum and a willingness to make a significant contribution to the life of the School. 

Scholarships are held through to Year 13, but a scholar’s performance and contribution to the School is reviewed annually.

Approximately one third of the total number of candidates will be called back for a formal scholarship interview with the Head of School. Awards offered typically range from 5 to 15% discount.

Academic Scholarships

In Year 7, children who have performed exceptionally well in Entrance Examinations for English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning papers, will be called for an interview with either the Head of School or the Head of Department. During this interview, candidates will be expected to discuss a subject which is of special interest to them.

Scholars are expected to take a lead in the School community and are invited to participate in the Scholars Forum. This forum is managed and organised by Sixth Form Scholars under the supervision of the Head of Mathematics and provides an annual program of debates and discussions along with Guest Speakers.

Music Scholarships

Music scholarships are awarded for excellent musical skill and aptitude. Depending on the instruments offered, children applying for Year 7 entry should be performing at Grade 3 (associated board) or above. 

All elements of the audition are conducted by the Head of Senior School Music alongside the Head of Senior Music (Academic). One piece on each instrument/voice offered for scholarship should be prepared and sight reading and aural tests appropriate to the relevant grade will also take place. This will be followed by an interview to discuss the child's particular interests in music. Candidates should also provide references from relevant music and instrumental teachers.

Sports Scholarships

Candidates for a Sports Scholarship will have reached a high standard (e.g county level) in their chosen sport or have the potential to achieve this or a higher level. Candidates will be asked to perform in a variety of sports-related skills and games during their sports assessment and will need to demonstrate a keen interest in his or her chosen sport(s) as well as be committed to representing the School in them. 

Sports Scholars will be expected to participate in additional School sports and represent the School when and if required to do so. They should provide references from their sports coaches alongside their application.

Candidates who have an aptitude for an individual sport for which the School does not field a team, but who show a real talent and potential, could also be considered. The Head of School Sport will recommend these potential scholars and invite them for interview. 

Pupils across the School, who have been identified as gifted and talented in sport or are already our sports scholars, are invited to participate in The Podium. The Podium is managed and organised by the Sixth Form sports scholars who produce an annual programme of sports-related talks and discussions as well as bring invited speakers into School. 

Realising Individual Brilliance Scholarships

There are pupils who may feel that their particular talents or abilities lie in the area of creative or performing arts, or are more individual and do not necessarily fall under a traditional academic field. The School values such talents and offers these pupils the opportunity to apply for a Year 7 Realising Individual Brilliance Scholarship. References from coaches/teachers or evidence of these abilities should be provided upon application for the scholarship. 

Academic Scholarships

The unique academic system at Clifton High School enables academically gifted pupils to develop their intellectual profile in a variety of ways: inside the classroom through the curriculum, through the one-to-one tutorials with their tutor and also through the co-curricular programme. There are a number of financial scholarships as well as a select number of students who will be invited to join the Scholars Forum as honorary members.  Membership to the Scholars Forum is seen as a prestigious honour at Clifton High School. 

Applications are encouraged from candidates who show academic talent in one or more subjects.

External Candidates

All external candidates will be considered for a scholarship at the point of their application to Clifton High School Sixth Form. If the School feels a scholarship could be offered, evidence and an interview will be required to gain an offer. 

Internal Candidates

The value of the scholarship will vary based on the number and strength of the applications received in each subject area. All of those given an award will be expected to contribute to School life throughout their Sixth Form career and to act as role models for their peers and younger pupils of the School in their commitment to and endeavour to excel.  Scholars are expected to participate in The Scholars Forum Programme. Further details on the programme can be found here.  

Pupils who are interested in being considered for an award are required to indicate this by means of a letter to the Head of School. 

The letter should outline:

  • what type of scholarship they would like to be considered for (i.e. Biology, History, Mathematics etc.) 
  • what the pupil has achieved in their chosen academic field to date 
  • how they intend to continue pursuing this both in and out of School 
  • what they feel they have to offer the School in their specialist area 
  • what A level subjects they wish to study 

All candidates will have interviews with the Head of School, Head of Sixth Form and the Head of the department in which their particular talents lie.  

In all interviews, the School will be assessing the candidates: 

  • Abilities in the practical and theoretical aspects of their chosen subject 
  • Level of commitment to the subject
  • Passion for and understanding of the importance of their chosen subject
  • Pursuit of their chosen subject outside of School as well as within School life
  • Willingness to contribute to School life in their chosen subject
  • Ability to set an example of leadership and excellence in their chosen subject
Sports, Creative Arts, Performing Arts and Realising Individual Brilliance Awards

There are pupils who may feel that their particular talents or abilities lie in the area of sports, creative or performing arts or are more individual and do not necessarily fall under a traditional academic field. The School values such talents and offers these pupils the opportunity to apply for a Sixth Form Award based on practical aptitude in one of the following areas: 

  • Sports Award covers performance in P.E., Athletics and Games
  • Creative Arts covers Art and Product Design
  • Performing Arts covers Drama and Music
  • Realising Individual Brilliance covers a unique skill, talent or passion that adds to the Clifton High SchooCommunity 

Pupils applying for a Creative or Performing Arts Award are expected to focus on one of the following disciplines: Art, Drama, Music or Product Design. Pupils who are given Creative and Performing Arts Awards are expected to study the subject for which the award is given at A level. In the case of applicants for an award in Music, continued study of music at a high level, such as for Associated Board grades, may be substituted for A level Music. All those given an award will be expected to contribute to School life in their specialist area throughout their sixth form career and to act as role models for their peers and juniors in their commitment to and endeavour in their specialist field.  

Pupils who are given a Realising Individual Brilliance Award are expected to continue development in their chosen area both in and out of School, promoting and sharing their knowledge and the benefits of their unique field, passion or talent with the School community. 

External Candidates

All external candidates will be considered for a Scholarship at the point of their application to Clifton High Sixth Form. If the School feels an award could be offered, evidence and an interview will be required to gain an offer.  

Internal Candidates

Students who already hold an Academic Scholarship or a Sports, Drama, Music or Art Scholarship are not eligible to apply for a Sports, Creative Arts or Performing Arts Award in the Sixth Form. 

The letter should outline:

  • which award they would like to be considered for 
  • what the students have achieved in their chosen field to date, 
  • how they intend to continue pursuing this both within and outside of School
  • what they feel they have to offer the School in their specialist area
  • what A level subjects they wish to study

All candidates will have interviews with the Head of School, Head of Sixth Form and the Head of Department in which their particular talents lie.  

In all interviews, the School will be assessing the candidate’s: 

  • Abilities in the practical (not theoretical) aspects of their chosen subject
  • Level of commitment to the subject
  • Passion for and understanding of the importance of their chosen subject
  • Pursuit of their chosen subject outside School as well as within School life
  • Willingness to contribute to School life in their chosen subject
  • Ability to set an example of leadership and excellence in their chosen subject