Pastoral Care


Bespoke support and guidance tailored towards the individual needs of each Sixth Form student.

Clifton High School is renowned for the high level of pastoral care our staff community affords the Sixth Form student body.
Mr Chris Collins, Deputy Head- Pastoral / Designated Safeguarding Lead

Our comprehensive pastoral system is student-centred with a collaborative approach that tailors support and guidance towards the needs of each individual.

Once a student enters our Sixth Form, we encourage them to take ownership over their learning and actively encourage them to explore a new and more independent path. However, we still recognise the centrality of excellent pastoral care and support to their happiness and success..

The outstanding team of Clifton High School tutors who work alongside Miss Katherine Rich, Head of Sixth Form and Ms Elizabeth Hodges, Deputy Head of Sixth Form, are experienced in understanding that these final years in a student’s education can be both emotionally and academically challenging.  Our wellbeing-focused support mechanisms are structured to ensure all Sixth Form staff members meet their students and respective families regularly, to monitor progress, oversee pastoral matters and ensure students are happy, confident and able to excel.  

We really value the close relationship formed between each student, their family and the School, and take great pride in the strength of these partnerships. Whilst the Sixth Form tutor is usually the first point of contact for any student or parent who may require guidance, the whole Sixth Form team is always accessible to all. The additional pastoral support offered by our dedicated A level subject teachers can help more specifically with concerns that may arise surrounding academic studies.

As students navigate life beyond Clifton High School, our doors remain firmly open.  All past pupils become enrolled as a Rosarian, our alumni body, for which they are warmly welcomed back to reach out for guidance, or indeed to offer their own experience and knowledge to the current student body, as well as returning for the enjoyment of events and celebrations.