

has a strong emphasis on exploration, investigation, discovery and problem-solving. 


Reception Class at Clifton High School governs the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which places a strong emphasis on exploration, investigation, discovery and problem-solving. This is reinforced through the implementation of an Adventure programme as well as a variety of regular community-driven trips and visits.

At this early stage of learning, our highly qualified and experienced teaching body primarily observes how children play, taking into account their interaction with activities, asking them thought-provoking, appropriate questions to foster the expansion of deeper thinking skills. With these components being considered, teachers sensitively ‘scaffold’ experiences that adopt pedagogy to create stimulating learning opportunities whilst developing and challenging an enquiring mind.   


The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum consists of seven intertwined and connected areas of learning and development with three prime areas being integral in igniting curiosity and enthusiasm, building the foundations for the capacity to learn and finally, forming relationships in order to thrive.  They can be categorised as: 

  • Communication and language 
  • Physical development 
  • Personal, social and emotional development 

Each component can be strengthened and applied through: 

  • Literacy 
  • Mathematics 
  • Understanding the world 
  • Expressive arts and design  



Clifton High School offers the full Key Stage 1 Curriculum delivered by outstanding, highly qualified teachers operating within our excellent facilities for Year 1 and Year 2 children.  Whilst the teaching is compliant with the National Curriculum, it is not limited by it so, by closely observing changes in educational thinking and practice, we regularly review and modify our own methods of learning to ensure a broad and balanced approach is maintained. This allows Year 1 and Year 2 boys and girls to discover and develop every inch of their talent. 

  • English and Drama 
  • Mathematics 
  • Science 
  • Theme (Geography and History) 
  • Art and Design Technology 
  • Music 
  • Physical Education (PE, Games, Swimming) 
  • Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) 
  • Religious Education 
  • Information and Communication Technology 
  • Modern Foreign Language 
  • ‘STEM’ and ‘Adventure’ incorporate many of the areas above and are taught more holistically in these sessions 

Clifton High School places enormous value on the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning, using them as foundational methods of practice from Nursery School through to Year 2.