Infant to Junior Transition


A thoughtful and seamless process.

We are atune to all pupils’ emotional readiness for Junior School and aim to assure a seamless process. 
Mrs Alice Taylor, Head of Infant and Junior School

As an all-through School, the transition process is eased for Infant children as they are not only famliar with the buildings and facilities, including Coombe Dingle, used by the Junior School but also, due to the number of specialist lessons (P.E., Music, Computing and Art) they will have encountered many of the teachers too. This equally works in reverse, whereby teachers are understanding and appreciative of the transitioning children.  

Year 2 children attend a ‘Move-on-Up’ morning where they spend time in their new Year 3 class with any peers who will be joining the cohort. Current Clifton High School children will also have additional opportunities to visit the Year 3 classrooms during the Summer Term, spending break times in the Junior School playground ahead of their Year 3 transition.

As there is an increase in the level of independence required, a slight increase in homework, and exciting new lessons such as languages taught by specialist teachers, and Games lessons at Coombe Dingle, Mrs Alice Taylor, Head of Infant and Junior School, hosts an information evening for Year 2 parents in the Summer Term, outlining what to expect in the Junior School. 
