Pastoral Care


We are committed to ensuring pupils feel safe, secure and supported in small class sizes that strengthens our excellent pastoral care.

We reinforce that the safe haven that is Clifton High School is the key to us offering excellent pastoral care with a qualified teaching body that encapsulates development on all levels.  

The Infant School comprises two or three classes in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, all consisting of small class sizes that are supported by a qualified teacher and a teaching assistant. Dedicated 1:1 individual tutorial sessions allow teaching staff to build upon relationships that develop a child's personal emotional, social and physical needs through learning.

Each child is appointed a key member of the teaching staff that closely tracks and monitors their educational and emotional development and interests so that relevant, pupil-focused activities can be administered.


Clifton High School understands that the pastoral care a child receives in the Infant environment is at the forefront of a their wellbeing and fundamental in their development as they mature and transition beyond.  It is a commitment we make to our children that they feel safe, secure and supported as valued members of our community, most especially for those that may feel lonely, anxious or in need of a friend and mentor.  This is promoted through high levels of adult supervision alongside on-hand Year 2 playground buddies that also offer their support.

Children's achievements are always recognised and celebrated, yet no stone is left unturned when it comes to identifying the necessary provisions required for individual children. If we feel progress is not on target, we connect with parents to identify the areas that may require careful consideration utilising the intervention of our experienced Enhanced Learning Department to provide an additional layer of support as we create a bespoke learning programme.

The Infant School environment in which our teachers and teaching assistants work, is one of mutual respect and understanding.  Their interaction with parents, through written reports, regular meetings and an open-door policy ensures that any issues to a child’s wellbeing or academic progress is quickly realised. Our sole aim is to provide all children with security and confidence in the hands of high quality care and we encourage parents to make an appointment should they have any concerns.