The Duke of Edinburgh (DofE)Award programme is a life-changing experience for 14-24 year olds and a chance to discover new interests and talents to develop essential skills for life and work. A recognised mark of achievement that is based on three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold award, it is not a competition but a motivation to set personal challenges and push personal boundaries.
It is highly respected by employers where individuals undertake the required four sections of community and environmental projects, become fitter and healthier, develop new skills, planning, training for and completing an expedition and, for the Gold only. working with a team on a residential activity.
As part of the volunteering requirement for our Year 9 Bronze DofE pupils was to contribute to the improvement of a public facility. Eastville Park was selected - a large Bristol Public Park that extends over some 70 acres of land, and is located to the east of the M32. The land was originally the agricultural land of the Heath House Estate owned by Sir John Greville Smyth of Ashton Court which was purchased from him by the Council for £30,000 in 1889. This provided a ‘People’s Park’ – a green space for those living in St Philips and the eastern suburbs of the city, where social and environmental conditions were poor. The Park's bike trails were built close to 20 years ago and due to their hard surface and lack of maintenance, they have massively deteriorated due to bad weather and with heavy use.
The main goal of was for pupils to work towards improving the park's bike trails so that they, and the rest of the Bristol cycling community, can enjoy them this spring and for years to come. To achieve this, the eight pupils involved gave 12 hours of their free time over the winter months to make the trails more fun for all users whilst taking care not to negatively impact the trees and wildlife. They endeavoured to bring the trails back to life by reshaping the dirt, clearing rubbish and generally caring for the area. It involved many hours of laboured work for which the pupils were tenacious in their efforts and achievement of the task.
Many passers-by came to talk to the pupiils during the sessions, commenting on how glad they were to see young people taking an interest in their local area and contributing to their community.
Mr Rory Mansfield, Teacher of English / Deputy DoE Manager
We wish all Clifton High School pupils who are embarking upon any of the stages of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards in the coming months, the very best of luck in their continued efforts for successful completion.