Clifton High School’s Sports Awards Dinner 2024


In partnership with Bristol Sport, we were delighted to gather at Ashton Gate Stadium, to celebrate the sporting achievements of our Senior School pupils, taking the time to recognise and applaud their dedication in representing Clifton High School throughout the 2023/24 seasons.  

The inaugural off-site event held on Friday 19th April 2024 is a most memorable evening, firmly rooted in our School calendar. The overall purpose is to recognise the aptitude and progressive skills of sporting talent throughout the Senior sports teams from Year 11 upwards. 

"On behalf of myself and all members of the Sports Department, it is both an honour and a privilege to celebrate the sporting achievements of our pupils. This recognition is not confined to tonight's event but is a daily commitment as we advance through the termly sports, guided by our motto: 'Sports for All with a Pursuit of Excellence'." 
Mr Shane Cloete, Director of Sport 

The event commenced with a Welcome Reception, followed by attendees taking their seats in the Ashton Gate's Heineken Suite for the main Awards Ceremony. Weaved alongside this was a two-course dinner enjoyed alongside a series of entertaining games.  

Pupils were welcomed onto the stage by members of the Sports Department and awarded with trophies by Bristol Bears first-team players, Ed Holmes and Noah Heward, to recognise their contribution to Clifton High School on the sports field. These included Captains Award, Player’s Player Award, Coaches Player Award, Individual Pursuit, Most Improved Player and Sports Personality Award. Congratulations to all those who were acknowledged in their efforts and commitment to sport this season.  

Mr Shane Cloete, Director of Sport reinforced in his speech that sport development at Clifton High School is an all-inclusive offering which was also very much reflected throughout the celebrations. Complimenting the spirit of the evening were speeches from our other sport staff members as well as current Sports Captains as they retold renditions of the season. For this, we would like to highly commend their confidence and attitude in addressing an energetic audience.   

After the ceremony, the audience were treated to an inspiring Q&A session led by guest speaker, Mrs Lisa Knights, CEO of Bristol Flyers and Director of Communications for Bristol Sport Group, along with Ed Holmes and Noah Heward. As a School, we are incredibly grateful for their participation in our annual Sports Awards Dinner and the value pupils gain from our partnership with Bristol Sport as a whole.  

The evening culminated in parents, pupils and staff hitting the dance floor to the DJ’s tunes! 

We would very much like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to the Events and Sports Departments for their collective effort and dedication to the organisation of the event.

For further information on Clifton High School’s Senior Sports Programme, please click here.