Christmas Celebrations at Clifton High School


- A series of whole School Christmas events that united us as a community

The Foundation Christmas Fair

Amidst two weekends of biblical storms, the Foundation Christmas Fair emerged as a calm and joyful afternoon of festive cheer on Saturday 30th November. Welcoming over a thousand guests onto the School site, the event truly brought Christmas to life. The University of Bristol’s brass band set the tone with carols and festive tunes, whilst every corner of the School was abuzz with activities that captured our true community spirit.

The organisation and planning of this event was evident in the array of gift and food stalls to activities and the much-anticipated appearance from Santa Claus - there was something for everyone. Santa’s grotto was a true depiction of his Arctic home and a magical wonder for children of all ages to cherish. Special thanks go to Mr and Mrs Doubleday whose time, efforts and enthusiasm brings this spectacle to life every year. Whilst adult guests enjoyed mulled wine, children indulged in hot chocolate, gingerbread-making, popcorn and candyfloss to create warm and happy memories – all sugar-coated with joy! The Christmas Fair is always a feature event in the School calendar, bringing together the entire Clifton High School community to celebrate the end of the busy Autumn Term. It also creates an atmosphere of belonging which reinforces the sentiment that Clifton High School is “Beyond A School, A Place to Belong.

The Senior School and Sixth Form Carol Service and Drinks Reception

Another highlight of the School calendar, our Senior and Sixth Form Carol Service, was held at Clifton Cathedral. This year, the service returned to a traditional Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. Led by a series of pupil and combined staff choirs, the carols were a beautiful and powerful voice of talent that filled the Cathedral’s grand acoustics. The readings were delivered with dignity and maturity, representing all year groups and each reflecting the growth children experience throughout the Senior School.  The event, attended by The Lord Mayor, special guests, Governors and staff members drew over five hundred parent guests proving the incredible support of our Music and Drama department. The hard work and dedication of these departments were evident in the service, and we extend our gratitude to all those teachers that were involved. 

Families returned to the School Lawn for our ‘wrap-up and be warmed by mulled wine and hot chocolate’ Drinks Reception. Guests were treated to more festive tunes performed by our Swing Band which created a wonderful atmosphere to complete the evening. Once again, we extend our gratitude to the participating pupils and their teachers for contributing to this memorable occasion. 

Whole School Celebrations

Celebrations began with a two-day Christmas Book Fair that saw eager readers purchasing books for themselves and gifts. The buzz continued across the School as each year group event, show or trip brought its own festive cheer. The Junior Christmas Celebration and the Hive Pre-School’s ‘Star Hunt’ workshop as well as the Infant School Nativity Play warmed the hearts of all those that joined to watch. The Hive Pre-School children were enthralled by their special trip to the Redgrave Theatre to watch The Gingerbread Boy as too were Year 3 pupils who spent a meaningful morning at Christ Church Clifton, learning about the true meaning and the traditions of Christmas. Additionally, all Hive, Infant and Junior School pupils were treated to a fun and engaging production of Dick Whittington by Shooting Stars Pantomime complete with great songs, adventure and slapstick comedy.  

Year 11 Senior School and Sixth Formers ventured off-site for Christmas trips to Lane 7 Bowling and Bath Christmas Market respectively. Both year groups were able to enjoy a relaxing break away from the classroom, in a social setting that enabled a sense of independence and growth of camaraderie with their peers. 

To complete the term, the whole School enjoyed a traditional festive lunch, complete with all the trimmings. Everyone was invited to wear a Christmas Jumper, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Christmas is for Giving

The Christmas season is one that reminds us of the importance of giving back and supporting those less fortunate at this time of year. The Hive and Infant School children’s support of CLiC and Sam’s House was incredibly well received and deeply appreciated by the charity who were amazed by their fund raising and gift box donations in aid of their families who stay with them as they find strength in the face of cancer. Additionally, the whole School generously supported the Northwest Bristol Foodbank Christmas Appeal and we invited our community to donate to this year’s charity ‘The Lord Mayor of Bristol’s Children Appeal’ which raises much needed funding to help the city’s most disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people. 

As our School gates close on another year and the holiday brings us in different directions, we wish our children a holiday full of wonder and curiosity, and our families the love of unity, while we all extend our empathy to those in need.