- Make A Noise About Bullying

Anti-Bullying Week

Clifton High School participates in Anti-Bullying Week

A significant event in the Clifton High School's calendar is Anti-Bullying Week with this year's theme being "Make a Noise About Bullying". As a School, we place emphasis on creating a safe and nurturing culture strengthened by a united community that openly recognises and applauds our differences whether it be in gender, age, race, colour, nationality, ethnicity, disability, religion, or culture. The significance of Anti-Bullying Week aligns seamlessly with our strong commitment to cultivating a community that values and embraces celebrating individual brilliance as well as inclusivity.

Why is it needed? 

Anti-Bullying Week is an annual event held in the United Kingdom which aims to raise awareness of bullying of children and young people, in schools and elsewhere as well as highlighting ways that can aid in preventing and responding to bullying. 

Frequently, we remain silent to instances of bullying which is often dismissed as 'banter.' Anti-Bullying Week encourages us to unite and have discussions surrounding what bullying means to us, how banter can turn into something more hurtful, and what we can do to stop bullying. 

What did we do at Clifton High School? 

On Monday, we started the week with an enthusiastic and active participation in Odd Socks Day. Pupils and staff members across every corner of the School, wore odd socks to highlight what makes us all unique and help support the awareness and prevention of bullying. 

Clifton High Senior School and Sixth Form year-groups had anti-bullying assemblies thoughout the week, reminding them of the key importance in helping everybody feel like they belong in our School community, and to not tolerate any bullying within their peer groups. Pupils were also reminded that they can always share any concerns they have with a trusted member of staff, or by filling in the Incident Disclosure Form at school or in the privacy of their home. Infant and Junior children have a box in their classroom where they can discreetly put a note to their teacher about anything that concerns them. This form is also available for pupils to access on SharePoint at their own discretion. They will be working through a set of tailored anti-bullying resources with their class teachers over the weeks ahead.