Sixth Form Charity Row-a-thon


Rowing is the only sport where you get to spend time with your own competition


Our Sixth Form students evoked their competitive spirit on Friday 23rd February 2024, in an all-day Row-a-thon supporting their nominated charity of Ups and Downs Southwest; a Bristol-based initiative that offers direct support to children, young people and families who are directly affected by Down Syndrome. 

Staff and parents were invited to sponsor the two teams which saw Year 12 and Year 13 pitting against each other to compete in a 6-hour race. What transpired was a high-octane, high-energy day that culminated in a nail-biting finish; the victory decided by the narrowest of margins!

Ups and Downs Southwest

The ‘Row-a-thon’ is the second fundraising challenge Clifton High School Sixth Form students have planned this academic year to support Ups and Downs Southwest. They played a pivotal role in selecting a local organisation from a shortlist of five nominated charitable groups. 
Our Year 13 representative, Imogen spoke on behalf of Ups and Downs Southwest to enlighten those present participants and spectators to the effects of those individuals born with Down Syndrome. She explained the worthiness of the cause to support a person with Down Syndrome, their families and those professionals involved with their care and education, so they can enjoy happy, healthy and fulfilling lives.  Raising funds for Ups and Downs Southwest provides the ability to offer direct support, run information and training days, youth clubs and family days alongside a telephone helpline currently for over 400 families in the southwest region of the United Kingdom. 

Row-a-thon Event

The format of the day saw students row in 10-minute slots, tagging in and out to ensure that the rowing machines never stopped! Many staff members were involved with Mr Luke Goodman, Head of School, taking on the final leg for Year 13 and Ms Lucy Horton, Mr Cozens, Mr Wallington and Miss Gomersall immersing themselves in the energy of the competition.  Clifton High School community members joined to cheer on their peers in the Pembroke Room throughout the day.

The charity event saw all competitors out-perform and by mid-afternoon, Year 12 were in the lead, being chased down by Year 13. However, in a tense final half hour, Year 12 secured victory by less than 400m. A special ‘shout-out’ must be extended to Year 13 student, Mark, who took the crown for the best individual row, completing more than 2.5km in 10 minutes. 


Final Distances 
Year 12 71,518
Year 13 71,151
With thanks 

We extend our gratitude to all students involved; both those that supported the organisation as well as those that participated in this superb and fun initiative.  Whilst it was a collective effort seeing all Sixth Form students unite in raising awareness and funds for Ups and Downs Southwest, particular thanks must be made to Year 13 student, Emma, who spearheaded the event as well as to her fellow contemporary, Zoe alongside Year 12 students Izzy and Zoe who took the helm in persuading their peers to take part. 

JustGiving Page

We would like to show our appreciation for all those members of our community that have already donated. There is still time so please either scan the below QR Code or click this JustGiving link
