Leaving a greener School for the future: Beyond a school, a place to believe
Leaving a greener school for the future  

Our pupils have always been empathetic to a world beyond our School gates. As a School, we are acutely aware, more than ever before, of the need to care and protect our plant in order to meet our environmental, ethical and social responsibilities.

Our 150th Anniversary Appeal aims to Fund the Future by leaving a greener school by improving our estate and introducing new facilities across the campus.

Through our Appeal we aim to:
  • Renovate our new science facilities and where possible, use sustainable and environmentally friendly products, providing a lasting legacy for our pupils
  • Review all current systems, replacing them with more environmentally friendly products across the School
  • Where possible, reduce our carbon footprint across our campus by reevaluating our current carbon and energy management

The environment and sustainability are so important to Clifton High School and its community. They bring pupils of all ages together to think about and act against issues that affect us all, spreading awareness to the surrounding communities in the process.”

Louis, Clifton Rosarian and former Environmental Prefect