Increasing our bursary support: Beyond a School, a place to belong
Increasing our bursary support  

For us, belonging to our community essentially requires a love of learning. We have worked hard to open our School gates to families with a thirst for education, irrespective of their financial circumstances.

Our belief, in the importance of accessibility and inclusivity has and always will be, woven into the fabric of our School.

Our 150th Anniversary Appeal aims to Fund the Future by supporting the School’s Bursary Programme, increasing access to pupils from across the Bristol area.

Through our Appeal we aim to:
  • Provide up to four part, or fully funded bursary pupils in all Senior School year groups 7-11
  • Provide up to four part, or fully funded bursary pupils in the two years of Sixth Form 
  • Support our bursary pupils by providing a dedicated Burns Bursary Tutor, named in memory of second Head of School, Miss Catherine Burns. Miss Burns had a great sense of service and empathy to support the wider School community; her values remain embodied across the School today

I don’t think I would have had much of a life; I wouldn't have had a lot going for me without the bursary. I would have stayed as that quite closed, quiet girl who didn’t have much self-belief. I’m forever grateful, relieved that I am here, I am no longer that girl.”

Jenny, Clifton High School bursary student